Delivery is calculated on distance and basket total and will be added to the total once you have entered your details. Please see below for the costs:
Distance from showroom |
Orders below £75 |
Orders above £75 |
0 - 5 Miles | £10 | Free |
5 - 10 miles | £15 | £5 |
10 - 15 miles | £20 | £10 |
15 - 20 miles | £20 | £15 |
20 - 25 miles | £25 | £20 |
Basket Total |
Delivery Cost |
£0 - 100 | £12.99 |
£100 - 200 | £24.99 |
£200 - 400 | £39.99 |
£500+ | £50 |
0117 925 1115
Visit our showroom:
Ember Bristol,
117-119 St Georges Road,
College Green,
Opening Hours
Tuesday - 10.30 - 16.30
Weds - Fri - 10.30 - 17.30
[Closed for lunch - 12.30 - 13.30]
Sat - 11.00 - 16.00
[Closed for lunch - 13.00 - 14.00]
Sun - Mon - Closed
Please note we will be closed on Tues 29th October and back open from 13.30 on Weds 30th